How to create your signature style
How to create your signature style

how to create your signature style

  • Download and check out the class workbook for help with this class and diving really deep into defining your signature style.
  • how to create your signature style

    Project 1 Description: 5 exercises to define your signature style. Please don't pass off artwork from other artists as your own. It is very important that you are trying your best to create a unique signature style mashing up elements of design from tons of different places, teachers, experiences, artists etc. *** As I've mentioned in class several times. You have a couple of options and sections of the class project since it's a very large undertaking. Want even more illustration classes? Check out the Skillshare Illustration section here.įor this class’s project I invite you to take the steps to define your very own signature style.

    how to create your signature style

    I've organized them into categories for you, yay! Plus check out my PROFILE PAGE to learn more about all the other amazing classes I am teaching here on Skillshare.

    how to create your signature style

    Also please remember to press the FOLLOW button here on Skillshare to be notified of upcoming classes and news.My Creative Business Newsletter: I'd like to invite you to join my mailing list with tons of free resources for inspiring and building your creative business.My Facebook group for aspiring full time creatives.I am so excited to share my tips with you and to see what you all come up with in your class projects! Your options for setting up a webshop with your new collection.What to think about when building out your collection.How to sketch out your signature collection.5 exercises to speed up the process of defining your style.A look at 15 artists with very defined styles.Why having a signature style is important and helpful.My journey to defining my very own signature style.In this class I will be sharing a process of defining an art style and how to build out your first signature collection. Find and download in the projects and resources section. And the 21 page workbook I create to accompany this class.Procreate, Photoshop, Illustrator, Affinity etc. Supplies you will need to create the class project: I will also be sharing my process of building out a signature collection and sharing some options for a webshop to showcase these designs in the future.Īll illustrators, artists or surface designers of any level! This class is perfect for anyone just starting out in in their art journey or for artists that need a little help to refine their style further. Welcome to Define Your Signature Style: Design a Signature Collection! A class for any and all artists of any level to help to start to define your very own unique signature art style.

    How to create your signature style